A great history and intro on the cypherpunks, who were the predecessors of Bitcoin. In this excellent documentary by ReasonTV, you will learn about the Crypto Wars and the predecessor technologies before Bitcoin.
Watch on YouTubeStephan Livera Rabbit Hole

Created by Stephan Livera
Total time
25 hours 29 minutes
0/21 completed
My rabbit hole is a mix of curated concepts and ideas gathered across almost 9 years studying Bitcoin. I believe to really learn about Bitcoin, you have to know enough across various disciplines to understand the how, what, and importantly, the why.
This includes austrian economics, cryptography, history, networking, politics, energy and distributed systems.
This is my solo episode from mid 2019 spelling out a 'Bitcoin Austrian' framework for thinking about Bitcoin from an austrian economist’s perspective. This episode helped frame and influence other Bitcoin educators.
Listen on SLPThis was a seminal article by 'Stop and Decrypt' on what a Bitcoin Node does.
Read on Hacker NoonAn excellent read on the reason behind Bitcoin as a project. This is about a peaceful revolution in the money of the world.
Read on MediumA great first read on Bitcoin.
Read on MediumMy explanation on why Bitcoin mining is valuable and the energy used is well worth it.
Read on Mises InstituteMy episode with Michael Saylor, in this one we chat about the problem of fiat inflation and why he chose to buy Bitcoin with his company balance sheet.
Listen on SLPRead Yan Pritzker’s Inventing Bitcoin, a fantastic explanation for laypeople on the basics of Bitcoin technology.
Read on Swan BitcoinThe must read book on Bitcoin economics by my friend Saifedean Ammous.
Read on Saifedean.comMy interview with Guido Hulsmann, author of The Ethics of Money Production, a highly influential book in Bitcoin circles.
Listen on SLPAn excellent exploration of what government has done to our money, by Murray Rothbard and made available free at the Mises Institute.
Read on Mises InstituteThe book to read on the 'block size wars' of 2015,16,17 culminating in the failure of BCash and of SegWit2X.
Read on AmazonAn intro episode on what the lightning network is by one of its main architects, Rusty Russell.
Listen on SLPAn exploration and update on thinking with Bitcoin security and multi-signature with Michael Flaxman.
Listen on SLPA great webpage / article explanation of the lightning network.
Read on Bitcoiner.GuideAn episode specifically on what most people get wrong about Deflation with Philipp Bagus.
Listen on SLPAn explanation of Bitcoin Core contribution with a Bitcoin Core contributor, Jon Atack.
Listen on SLPAn explanation of the role that Bitcoin maintainers perform, with ex-Bitcoin Core maintainer Jonas Schnelli.
Listen on SLPAn exploration of how SegWit2X and UASF went down with Bitcoin Core contributor Luke Dashjr.
Listen on SLPA nice 'under the hood' explanation of Bitcoin.
Watch on YouTubeBeware! Everyone’s a scammer as explained by Michael Goldstein (aka Bitstein).
Read on Nakamoto Institute
Stephan Livera
@stephanliveraStephan Livera is a Bitcoin Podcaster, Managing Director of Swan Bitcoin International, Co-Founder of Ministry of Nodes, and Partner with Bitcoiner Ventures.
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