Bitcoin — For All Ages, For The Ages
For the first time in our lifetimes, we have the opportunity to save reliably over the long-term!
By Tomer Strolight
For the first time in our lifetimes, we have the opportunity to save reliably over the long-term!
By Arman the Parman
I decided to write a letter, then made it an open letter, to Ann Barnhardt.
By Tomer Strolight
Bitcoin’s unchangeability is the fix we have needed for money throughout history.
By Tomer Strolight
I do hope this letter has helped to bridge the understanding between you and me.
By Tomer Strolight
There are so many mysteries that draw us into Bitcoin. And there always will be.
By Tomer Strolight
AI agents will need to use money and Bitcoin is the best money for the job. This results in Bitcoin both benefiting AI and benefiting from AI.
By Tomer Strolight
The changes Bitcoin will bring about to society will be significant.
By Mark Harvey
The baby boomers left us with a debt/GDP ratio of 120%, and grandkids that can’t afford to buy a house. What is the current generation to do? Enter Bitcoin.
By Tomer Strolight
Bitcoin is a carefully and precisely engineered solution to a crucially important human need — the need for a reliable, universal medium to use as money.
By Tomer Strolight
Bitcoin’s essence is that it is a good idea, for the good of humanity, whose time has come, and which cannot be stopped.
By Drew
Bitcoin shines the truth on many lies. It is as much a movement as an investment…
By Drew
Born from the ashes of the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin was is an engineered solution to the inherent flaws and vulnerabilities within centralized banking structures.
By Cory Klippsten
We believe that a global, Nasdaq-listed, Bitcoin-only financial services company will play a key role in winning the race to avoid the war, so we’re building it.
By Stephan Livera
Some trends that emerged in 2022, from regulatory developments to technical and cultural innovations, will grow to define Bitcoin in 2023.
By Allen Farrington and Anders Larson
Decentralized Finance: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
By Cory Klippsten
Let us proceed — together, united, yet decentralized — and win this race, for one and all, so that we may never have to fight the war.
By FractalEncrypt
A Graphic Novel by FractalEncrypt based on “Bitcoin Astronomy” by Dhruv Bansal.
By Tomer Strolight
How Bitcoin Uses Both Nothing and Chaos to Create Something the Likes of Which We Have Never Seen Before.
By Erik Cason
Bitcoin has the possibility of ending the financialization of state war by ending fiat money and restoring natural law and money to our planet.
By Gigi
The state will come for all of us, low-hanging fruits first. Bitcoiners always knew this.
By Tomer Strolight
One truth Bitcoin shows us is that we are sovereign — not just over our monetary wealth, but also over our emotions, not just over where we spend our money, but also over where and how we spend our time.
By Stephan Livera
Bitcoin might seem inevitable, but you can still take an action hand in pushing it forward.
By Tomer Strolight
The 'Window of Oppurtunity' to buy Bitcoin closes a little more every single day.
By Tomer Strolight
A topic even more mysterious than cryptography itself—brands.
By Stephan Livera
Bitcoin events are great expressions of the Bitcoin ethos and critical touchpoints for newcomers and technology innovators alike.
By Tomer Strolight
Bitcoin is the system that can make millennials' hopes and dreams come true, and this is becoming increasingly clear to more of them each day.
By Sophie Tobert
Growing up marked by a decaying financial system, we have the chance to change the narrative set before us and create a world grwoing up in for future gnerations.
By Nozomi Hayase
The Internet of Money transcends borders and protects people of all nations from resource wars, exploitation, and dictatorship. Bitcoin guards us against wealth confiscation, helping us steward our precious planet.
By Sam Callahan
As many people discover convincing a friend or family member to buy Bitcoin can be a challenging task. Swan Bitcoin makes it easier than ever with their gifting program.
By Robert Breedlove
Exploring the digital disruption of the nation-state and the subsequent amplification of individual sovereignty during the digital age.
By Stephan Livera
The Bitcoin economy is enabling more people to choose their own adventures around the world and optimize their lifestyles.
By Gigi
The relentess beating of this clock is what gives rise to all magical properties of Bitcoin.
By Robert Breedlove
A fundamentally dishonest money, fiat currency ruins relationships with the intrinsic entropy of nature and our fellow humans. To rejuvenate hope, we must set sights upon honest money, entrepreneurship, and civilization.
By Reed Wommack
We serve HNWI clients wishing to purchase Bitcoin. Even more importantly, we help great-grandmas, college students, veterans, and fast food workers buy their first Bitcoin and begin saving for their future.
By Robert Breedlove
Ideation and wealth creation are mere expressions of life’s central impluse: growth.
By Brekkie von Bitcoin
I believe a line has been drawn in the sand between people, projects, and companies that support Bitcoin and those that do not, and in some cases, actively work against it.
By Reed Wommack
This essay focuses solely on the conceptual world of logic, language, and concepts, excluding the mystical and non-conceptual realm, which is also deserving of exploration through meditation and mysticism.
By Stephanie Sprague
Despite living in the Information Age, many people don’t know enough to buy Bitcoin. With this kind of thinking, no one would’ve ever shared personal details on Facebook or banked electronically.
By Brady Swenson
A roundtable conversation about the current epidemic chaos and how it will impact Bitcoin, the global financial system, remote working, and more.
By Yan Pritzker
Sound money requires a commitment to decentralization, and properties hard to change and attack. Altcoins are built by centralized teams with a profit motive, not a happy accident of a growing ecosystem by cypherpunks.
By Cory Klippsten
Not too many years from now, the number of Bitcoiners in the United States of America will cross ten million. When we hit that milestone, it’s game over: Bitcoin wins.