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Why I’m Driven to Build Swan Advisor Services

Why I’m Driven to Build Swan Advisor Services

We will deliver the industry’s best education team to advisors so that when clients are ready to withdraw Bitcoin to cold storage or engage in collaborative custody, they’ll be armed with the knowledge to do it safely.
Andy Edstrom CFA, CFP
Andy Edstrom CFA, CFP
Nov 16, 2021November 16, 20213 min read3 minutes read

Two years ago I sent a copy of my book, Why Buy Bitcoin, to the offices of Electric Solidus, Inc. I had recently heard of Cory Klipp­sten, and I was keen to share my thoughts with him on Bitcoin.

Not long after that he invited me to join him at a lunch hosted by one of his venture capitalist friends at the Napa Valley Grille in Westwood. We sprayed that room of middle-aged VC investors bright orange.

At coffee after­ward, he pitched me his idea for a new Bitcoin accumu­la­tion service. The defining feature? No sell button.

Brilliant. After a few more conver­sa­tions, I was sold. I wrote a check to Swan in February 2020.

Over the next year of evange­lizing Bitcoin to friends, family, and finan­cial advisors, I found myself mostly shouting into the void. Finan­cial advisors were still allergic to Bitcoin.

The rally of late 2020 — early 2021 began to thaw the ice over the finan­cial advisor industry, but the Chinese mining exodus and lever­aged liqui­da­tion in May put a pause on Bitcoin adoption by finan­cial advisors.

But here in late 2021, after a recent all-time high in the Bitcoin price and consumer price infla­tion running rampant, the case for Bitcoin as a crucial part of every investor’s portfolio has never been clearer.

Finan­cial advisors are finally ready for Bitcoin. And I feel compelled to help Swan answer this call.

Swan Advisor Services is unique in two ways.

First, it’s Bitcoin-only. Advisors who are focused on altcoins needn’t contact Swan. We don’t want their business. We want advisors who under­stand that Bitcoin is the thing.

Second, Swan has the best Bitcoin educa­tion team in the business. With two team members who have published Bitcoin books — Yan Pritzker and me; three team members with forth­coming Bitcoin books — Tomer StrolightCory Klipp­sten, and Brady Swensen; three of the best podcasters in Bitcoin — Stephan LiveraBrady Swensen, and Camila Campton; excep­tional Bitcoin analysts, writers and creators — Lyn AldenBrandon Quittem, and Brekkie; and the most knowl­edge­able Bitcoin sales­force around, there is simply no other Bitcoin educa­tion team that compares to Swan’s.  

Most compa­nies selling Bitcoin are putting coins into the hands of investors who look at Bitcoin as just another ticker on their computer screen. Swan is different. As with our retail Bitcoin saving product, we will be deliv­ering clients outright owned coins, not a wrapped Bitcoin finan­cial product.

Moreover, we will be deliv­ering the industry’s best educa­tion team to advisors and their clients so that when they’re ready to withdraw their coins to cold storage or engage in collab­o­ra­tive custody, they’ll be armed with the knowl­edge to do so safely. For most clients, this step is likely years away. But we’re building for the long run.

With a laser focus on Bitcoin, a long-term view, and the best team of Bitcoiners in the business, how can we lose?

Help us build and launch Swan Advisor Services by getting in touch with us here.

Together let’s build a Bitcoin solution that’s great for clients and great for Bitcoin.

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Buy automatically every day, week, or month, starting with as little as $10.

Andy Edstrom CFA, CFP

Andy Edstrom CFA, CFP

Swan Advisor

Andy Edstrom makes frequent appearances in financial and Bitcoin media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Economist, Bitcoin Magazine, Stephan Livera Podcast, and Tales from the Crypt.



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