Head of Swan Business
Dante Cook

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew 6:19
Bitcoin Daily Show
I host a show about Bitcoin every weekday. We discuss the latest news, events, and key information from the world of Bitcoin. Find the show on Swan’s YouTube channel here and our Twitter feed here.
My Backstory
My dad, with just a middle school education, got his GED and enlisted in the military the day he turned 17. My mom didn’t have her own bed until she was almost 10 years old, and grew up in large family with over 20 of her aunts, uncles, and cousins.
They loved us. They modeled hard work, taught my brother and I to never complain, and told us that we could accomplish anything we worked hard at. I thank them for that. Their work ethic and drive pushed me to train hard academically and athletically.
I got a D1 scholarship to play football at William & Mary, where I was both an All-Conference Linebacker and completed 3 majors in Finance, Process Management, and Marketing.
After graduating in 2013, I’ve been a builder. I’ve been on the ground floor (and founder) of several successful venture backed startups with exits, and even started a high school football program from scratch with no resources.
I’ve been a part of building my community on the east side of Indianapolis as a board member at Purdue Polytechnic High School, an elder at my church, a football coach to hundreds of inner city athletes. More importantly, I’m building my family. My wife and I are busy with 4 children under 7.
My Bitcoin Story
Like many, I first learned about Bitcoin in 2013, but wasn’t smart enough to invest. And like many, I bought Bitcoin in 2017 for the Number Go Up technology, and finally started understanding Bitcoin in 2018 once I understood it as Freedom Go Up technology.
Andreas Antonopoulos took me down the rabbit hole. I finally understood Bitcoin as a protocol or the “Internet of Money” and I haven’t looked back since.
Joining Swan has deepened my conviction in Bitcoin and grown my appreciation for all of the smart, capable, and selfless people working hard to bring this incredible technology to people all over the globe.
- Coaching young athletes
Selected Media Appearances
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