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The Bitcoin Platform for Financial Advisors

The Bitcoin Platform for Financial Advisors

Swan Advisor Services Tailors Swan’s best in purchase and custody platform to the needs of financial advisors and wealth managers.
Cory Klippsten
Cory Klippsten
Oct 6, 2021October 6, 20213 min read3 minutes read

Bitcoin’s global adoption has been breath­taking since its intro­duc­tion in late 2008. What started as a blueprint for a peer-to-peer digital money has evolved into an asset with a trillion dollar market capital­iza­tion. External attacks, dismissal from legacy insti­tu­tions, and extreme volatility have been hallmarks of Bitcoin’s emergence into the mainstream conscious­ness.

Despite constant adver­sity, the Bitcoin network has surpassed all but five sover­eign curren­cies in terms of dollar value, firmly claiming its spot as a legit­i­mate monetary asset on the global stage. The question now becomes, as a fiduciary, how do I safely and securely incor­po­rate Bitcoin into my clients’ portfolios?

A July 2021 survey published by the Wall Street Journal indicates that 14% of finan­cial advisors use or recom­mend cryptocur­ren­cies. This figure is up from 1% from the same survey conducted in 2020. 

To date, it’s been hard for those in the industry who have embraced Bitcoin to plug the asset into their day-to-day client reporting and portfolio manage­ment tools. It should be easier for finan­cial advisors to help their clients buy and hold Bitcoin directly and maintain that position within their fiduciary relation­ship. That’s why we are building Swan Advisor Services. 

At Swan, we have chosen to build a Bitcoin-only business because Bitcoin is the only cryptoasset that truly is a respon­sible long-term invest­ment. That deep focus gives our advisor partners signif­i­cant advan­tages, as we extend your team with deep exper­tise, educa­tional infra­struc­ture, and world-class client services.

Swan Advisor Services tailors Swan’s best-in-class purchase and custody platform to the needs of finan­cial advisors and wealth managers. It wraps the company’s core purchase, custody and client support functions within a layer of account manage­ment, reporting and analytics to give you clear visibility into your clients’ Bitcoin positions.

Swan’s team of Bitcoin experts stands ready to partner with advisors as you get your clients up to speed on this emerging asset class. You can rely on Swan’s educa­tional and service exper­tise to educate and answer client questions about Bitcoin.

We’re here to be your Bitcoin partner so you can focus on relation­ship building. Bitcoin repre­sents a rare asymmetric risk-return oppor­tu­nity that could be a corner­stone of wealth creation for decades to come. Swan Advisor Services is the key tool your firm needs to capture the growth of the asset class and make it action­able in driving fee revenue. 

There are exciting devel­op­ments in the works and we can’t wait to share more details with you.

In the meantime, sign up to get priority access to Swan Advisor Services. 

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Cory Klippsten

Cory Klippsten

Cory Klippsten is the CEO of financial services firm Swan Bitcoin. He is a partner in Bitcoiner Ventures and The Bitcoin Opportunity Fund, and as an angel has funded more than 50 early stage tech companies. Before startups, Klippsten worked for Google, McKinsey, Microsoft and Morgan Stanley, and earned an MBA from the University of Chicago. He grew up in Seattle, split 15 years between NYC and Chicago, and now lives in LA with his wife and daughters. His hobbies include basketball, history and travel (Istanbul and Barcelona are favorites).



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